Macquarie University Open Night

 Macquarie University Astronomy Open Night 2023
The Binocular and Telescope Shop Competition

Visit the 3 Bintel Puzzle Points for the chance to win a Dwarf II Deluxe Smart Telescope worth $899!

This smart telescope has been one of Bintel’s most popular new products in 2023.

Compact and controlled by a smartphone app, it’s an all-in-one telescope, computerised mount
and sophisticated camera system.

Follow these steps for your chance to win:

  1. Visit the 3 Bintel Puzzle Points during Macquarie University Astronomy Open Night 2023.
    Each Puzzle Point has a poster with 2 mystery words associated with the Dwarf II Smart Telescope.
  2. Solve at least one of the word puzzles at each Puzzle Point.
    There will be an Anagram and a Wordle-style puzzle.  Solve both puzzles to double your chance of winning!
  3. Complete the competition entry form with your contact details and puzzle solutions BY MIDNIGHT!
    One entry per email address.

Bintel will contact the lucky winner by 28th September 2023.

Bintel’s 3 Puzzle Points are indicated by our yellow logo on the map below:

  1. Bintel’s stall at the Mason Theatre Exhibition Hall where we will have the Dwarf II telescope on display
  2. Central Courtyard near the Laser Guide Star
  3. At the back of the check-in tent for the Telescope Park

Click here 
for entry form


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