These filters (imaging) are specifically for astrophotography. There’s several reasons for using filters when astro imaging.  You can lessen the impact of  skyglow caused by artificial lights somewhat by using LPR (Light Pollution Reduction) filters. If you have a monochrome camera you can use L-RBG filter sets for full colour images.  Astrophotography filters can be used for both planetary and deep-sky images.

There’s also a range of narrowband filters to capture deep-sky nebula and other features. These filters only let through light in certain wavelengths to highlight fine details. Brands include ZWO, Atik, Astronomik, Baader and others. Trying to work out the best filters for your camera and telescope can be tricky at times. If you’re unsure of which filters you need, drop BINTEL a message. We can then work out the best filters for getting the most out of your rig.

If you would to  for visual filters check here.

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