Sometimes looking through a straight through finder scope can be a strain, making you crouch down and crane your neck. With the Bintel right-angle finder scopes, you view in contortion-free comfort! The large 50mm achromatic objective lens allows you to find many fainter deep sky delights not visible to the naked eye. What’s more, they have a built-in Amici prism to provide a correctly oriented view – not upside-down as with standard finders. These achromatic, crosshair finders feature fully coated glass lenses, internal baffling, and focus adjustment.
Includes an aluminum bracket with two perpendicular thumbscrews providing adjustment in vertical and horizontal planes for easy alignment. A cast metal findercope mounting shoe is included with the finder. A dovetail mounting base (#7214) is also available for installation of this finder scope on non-Bintel telescopes.